



Anonymous 匿名 said...

Thank you for sending along the catalog, it must feel so rewarding working with such project. Congratulations on your success. I currently do not have the book, my colleague came to the house and love it so much, beg me to loan it to her for a week....
The book goes well with Bach's cello solo by the way

12:46 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

it means a lot to me to hear such a wonderful comment from you! Thanks!

i've learned a great deal from working with all the participants of the project, mainly, to unbind myself from the "academicism" and rethinking what "art" means to everyday life/to me.

just to let u know, i'd be more than happy to mail you another copy of the catalog, while the first one is in circulation.

4:33 上午  


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